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It’s firm, always al dente, and easy to cook.
It’s reliable; you can use it in all kinds of recipes.
It’s different, as only pasta made of 100% Italian wheat can be.
Baronìa is produced exclusively with Italian durum wheat.
Ours is the product of a supply chain project involving hundreds of farmers that believe, just like we do, in the valorisation of Italian agricultural products.
It’s in our Mill that wheat is transformed in semolina.
Here are a few recipes by great chefs that interpret the unique taste of Pasta Baronia every day; using know-how and creativity.
De Matteis Agroalimentare.
Across the years we have created a strong and honest bond with the Italian rural,agricultural community, with its universe of People, traditions and know-how…
We have seen places where men and nature have established a magnificent equilibrium based on mutual respect…
We strived to create genuine products, with the option to know the origin and the source of the raw materials…
We gave life to a production process of Italian durum wheat that is radically changing the world of the pasta, of agriculture in Italy and of the true “made in Italy”…
This is why our pasta is different, an expression of a productive system integrating industry and agriculture, based on common principles and values.